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Undergraduate Social Work Programs and Minor in Social Welfare

Be a Changemaker of Tomorrow with a Bachelor of Social Work

赋予他人权力,促进社会正义. An undergraduate degree in social work from ladbrokes立博中文版 will provide you the tools you need to affect change in individuals, 社区, organizations and social welfare programs — large and small.

You could pursue the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) or choose the Social Welfare minor to complement another major. 无论哪种方式, the undergraduate social welfare programs offered by BSU的 Department of Social Work will prepare you to be a champion for social justice and improving the lives of others.

你在北京州立大学获得了社会工作学士学位, you’ll gain a foundation in evidence-based policy and practice, 以社会公正原则为基础的. 通过这种混合的教育经历, you’ll not only have an idea of what type of organization you want to work in, you’ll be prepared to be a changemaker and leader in the industry of your choice.

The Social Welfare minor pairs well with a number of majors offered at ladbrokes立博中文版, 包括心理学, 社会学, 人类学, 咨询, 业务, 健康, 法律预科和医学预科.




BSU的 undergraduate social work programs and social welfare programs are focused on social justice. 你毕业时将对历史有深刻的了解, policy background and real-world implications of social justice challenges and advancements. This broad perspective provides valuable context and preparation for jobs in social work.
BSU Social Work graduate at work posing with his open laptop standing at a reception desk

Fieldwork and internships for social work majors and 未成年人

同时获得社会工作的本科学位, 你将有多种实习机会. Work with licensed social workers in a social service agency to gain real-world experience while earning course credit.


Our bachelor’s degree in social work is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), ensuring that students will come away with the knowledge of how to apply ethics and critical thought to their social work practice.


As an undergraduate student in BSU的 Bachelor of Social Work program, you may qualify to apply for several scholarship opportunities, 包括:

  • Dr. 丽贝卡·莱维特基金
  • 爱德华·T. 多诺万纪念社会工作奖学金
  • 李氏教授. 休斯顿纪念奖
  • School of Social Work Scholarship Fund for Undergraduate Students



BSU的 继续教育学院 给你最大的灵活性来完成你的学位. 即使你白天不能上课, you can still earn your undergraduate degree in social work at BSU. We offer an evening program designed for students who work full time or have other obligations during the day.


Did you know that 35% of BSU undergraduates enter as transfer students? 我们的专用 传输服务 staff will work with you to figure out how to transfer credits, 接下来要修哪些课程, 以及如何融入BSU社区.


During your studies for a bachelor of science in social work, you’ll explore a dynamic curriculum that combines in-classroom learning, field education and professional mentoring by faculty and graduate students. 在我们的本科社会工作课程中, 你将学习社会工作方面的课程, 多样性和压迫, 还有一系列的选修课, 包括儿童福利课程, 衰老与药物滥用.

社会福利未成年人, you’ll take a mix of core and elective courses and learn about the evolution of the United States’ social welfare programs, 系统中产生的各种政策, and the people and populations who are the most vulnerable in our society.

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Program details from **DRAFT **2024-2025 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog **DRAFT**

The opportunities to go out and actually see what it is like in the form of service learning, 还有实习机会, 是一次美妙的经历. 从男孩女孩俱乐部到约旦医院, 达特茅斯高中, my field experience has run the gamut and taught me so much about real world social work as well as laid a foundation for my future as a social worker. Even though the COVID pandemic landed right in the middle of my program, BSU never skipped a beat. We adapted our learning and, in some ways, made it better. I have made great connections through the School of Social Work and fostered some incredible relationships along the way.”


With an undergraduate degree in social work or minor in social welfare, you’ll have the opportunity to work in a variety of jobs in the public or private sector, 包括:

  • 儿童福利
  • 青年服务
  • 心理健康
  • 咨询机构
  • 学校
  • 刑事司法组织
  • 老人服务
  • 医院和长期护理设施


10-year job growth estimates for those with a bachelor’s degree in social work, 根据美国劳工统计局的数据.

3 students sitting at desks in a BSU social work graduate class listening to the professor

Continue your education beyond your bachelor’s degree in social work

ladbrokes立博中文版’s Master of Social Work program is designed to deepen your understanding and mastery of human rights, diversity and social justice to better help you enhance the lives of individuals, 家庭和社区.

You can also choose to simultaneously earn your Master of Social Work and a Juris Doctor degree (in conjunction with UMASS Dartmouth Law School). This cooperative program allows you to integrate social work graduate studies with a law school education to prepare for a variety of careers in public defense, 受害者的宣传, 家庭法, 移民法和许多其他领域.