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Expand Your Educator’s Toolkit through 研究生课程 in Online Teaching at BSU

From remote learning environments to an increasing variety of online education options, 今天的普通教室和以前不一样了. To keep up with these changes, today’s educators must know how to teach online courses and programs.

ladbrokes立博中文版, you can learn cutting-edge methods through our graduate programs in online teaching. 180多年来, we’ve been preparing future educators and leaders through our teaching programs. 现在,我们也在准备在线教师.

通过我们的 特殊教育系, our Teaching in a Virtual/Online Setting Graduate Certificate can help you acquire the skills and strategies you need to learn how to teach online courses and add online teaching to your repertoire.

Teaching in a Virtual/Online Setting Graduate Certificate Program Highlights

teacher Nichole Freeman teaching online from her home showing students a book


If you’re an educator who’d like to become an online teacher, you don’t have to wait until you finish our certificate program to 收获学习的好处. 通过我们的在线研究生证书课程, you’ll gain skills and strategies you can use immediately.

Dr. Pamela Myette sitting in a classroom desk talking to a student in class


BSU, 你会学到 经验丰富的教员 not only in the classroom, but also in creating engaging online course content. 他们开发了在线教学的研究生课程, and one instructor also serves as the superintendent for TEC Connections Academy, 马萨诸塞州一所虚拟的K-12学校.



Complete our Teaching in a Virtual/Online Setting Graduate Certificate completely online, 无论你在哪里, 并在一年内成为一名在线教师.


BSU, we know that preparing online teachers requires connection. 这就是为什么我们的班级上限是25人. 以这种方式, you’ll have one-on-one time with your instructors plus the chance to collaborate with your fellow graduate students.


As COVID-19 has demonstrated, many teachers struggle with teaching in online environments. This is one reason we emphasize graduate programs in online teaching — and preparing online teachers — at BSU. 配备此证书, you’ll show potential employers you can teach online courses and can assist other teachers, 太.


In addition to helping you become an online teacher at BSU, 我们可以帮助你建立人际关系网并找到工作机会. BSU faculty members within our graduate programs in online teaching can help you explore your options as you develop your skills.

Program of Study for Online Teaching Graduate Certificate Students

Our Teaching in a Virtual/Online Setting Graduate Certificate is designed to support educators who wish to further their knowledge of classroom technology, increase their skills in teaching in an online environment and become online teachers.

We’ve been preparing online teachers for years with our graduate programs in online teaching, so you know you’ll gain the knowledge and skills you need to teach remotely.

For your Teaching in a Virtual/Online Setting Graduate Certificate, you’ll take four courses that explore a variety of types of learners, several technologies and modes of communication and collaboration in online teaching environments.


Click the link below to reveal program's admission requirements and program description.

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Program details from 2022-2023 Undergraduate/Graduate Catalog

研究生项目协调员: 特蕾西Charbonnier

当COVID-19大流行迫使学校在线时, BSU alumni knew how to teach online courses to serve their students thanks in large part to the virtual education classes they completed at BSU. “如果我没有这些经历, I wouldn't have been as confident with what I was doing with my students.”



Completing graduate programs in online teaching such as our Teaching in a Virtual/Online Setting Graduate Certificate can enhance your teaching skills and help you become a more effective teacher of contemporary students — in classroom, 在线和混合场景.

The advanced skills and knowledge you gain from the program are not only useful in preparing online teachers but also in preparing classroom teachers, 太. 除了课堂教学, 证书可以帮助你获得其他职位的资格, 如:

  • 在线学区的老师
  • 在线辅导
  • 客座讲师
  • 教育顾问

The College of 研究生学习 provides various opportunities for graduate students to receive funding while working towards their degrees. Appointments are competitive and are determined by undergraduate and/or graduate grade point averages, 相关的经验, 教育准备和面试. For information on assistantships, fellowships and conference funding awards, please visit our 研究生资助机会页面.



View this PDF for an overview of the College of 研究生学习.


Bridgewater offers competitive tuition and fees for graduate students both in and out of state.


View our graduate events page to RSVP to information sessions, workshops and seminars.


Create an account to start your application to a graduate program today!